Outsourcing ROI

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Outsourcing ROI | Skye Barbour

How much will outsourcing cost in my business and how do I get a positive return on investment?

I’m going to be sharing with you 3 things that you need to have in place for a positive return….. from the start!

Hi I’m Skye, I’m a team consultant and leadership mentor working with female entrepreneurs
like you who don’t want to do all the doing anymore and you want to build a business for freedom.

I hear all the time “I’ve tried outsourcing, I hired someone, it didn’t work out, it was easier and quicker to do it myself and in the end I just thought, what’s the point?”

Now, I understand the frustrations. But I’m going to show you 3 things that if you do them,
you are going to get a positive return for spending money on outsourcing or team building.

That is what I want for you.


Because without support we are the doers in our business, doing everything ourselves
and we build ourselves a job. I want you to build a business to last, where you are not the center of everything.

To do that though we have to bring people in. We have to be prepared to outsource
and that’s why we need to put these 3 things in place so that you can do it positively.

In life we have 2 resources; we have our financial resources (money) and we have our time resource…….

We talk about money all the time don’t we?

What we choose to invest in saving money and all that stuff, but we rarely
talk about our time investment…

Where you’re choosing to spend your time is also an investment, and I want you to choose to do the high value tasks in your business. That’s what building a team and outsourcing allows you to do.

If you didn”t have to do; the book keeping, the social media posting, the marketing etc
what other things could you be doing in your business to generate income?

As online entrepreneurs we come up with ideas all the time, but we can’t implement them
because we are so busy stuck in the day to day ‘bread and butter’ of our business.

What would it be like if we remove some of those day to day tasks? Remove the admin, remove some of the social media posting, remove some of the bookkeeping tasks….all the behind the scenes stuff that you do because you have to you because you run a business.

But it doesn’t have to be you.

Okay, that’s what I want for you, so how do we go on and do it positively?

The first thing we need is to know your numbers.

It’s about bringing someone on that’s going to be sustainable. There isn’t a golden rule as to what point you should be outsourcing. But you need to know you have some consistency of income to be able to offer someone some hours where they can dedicate to your business.

The second thing is we need to find the right person.

Not everyone is going to be a good fit for you and your business. That’s why you need to look at what skills they can bring in but also how how they fit into business;what’s the type
of person you want? What’s the type of hiring you want? Is it outsourcing something? Or is it
an in house employee? Or a virtual employee in the business?

There’s no right or wrong- it’s just what’s right for you in your situation.

The 3rd thing is I want you to set them up for success.

By that I mean good training, time with them to start with and good communication. Let them know that they’re doing well, let them know when they aren’t hitting the mark.

Remember taking someone on is not a quick win, they don’t just step into a business
within a day make a positive difference and you can go off and run with it……

It’s been in your head for years and they’re not mind readers. So we have to spend that time in the beginning to be able to train them and show them what you want doing so that then they can go and do it themselves.

Yes that is a double investment to start with – you’re paying them and you’re using your time.

But over the coming weeks that investment is going to grow because you’re going to continue to pay them, but you can do higher value tasks in your business to generate a better return.

Oh hell, you can choose to spend your time with family, or time off.

It’s your time to choose how you spend it!!

But remember you need to have these 3 things in place in order to get a positive return on investment:

-You need to know your numbers: what can you afford or what are you going to spend with that time
-You need to find the right person: there wasn’t just one size fits all, everyone’s different and our business needs different things
– You set them up for success.

It’s about helping you stop being the doer;struggling to get everything in your business
and to build a business beyond you!

Skye xx